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3 Simple Repair Aids : Cell, LED, Headset

I’m sure you have some equipment that you fix yourself, and when you do you are sometimes in tight quarters or in an awkward position and sometimes you are following instructions being given to you on the phone.

Here are a few tricks:

It is a pain to try and talk on your phone and do repairs. Speaker phone settings might free up your hands, but you might not be able to hear. Bluetooth headset can be very very helpful.
Or you can get a hat with built-in bluetooth.
Or in a pinch, just stick your cellphone in your hat, at least your hands are free.
You have to have good light to do repairs. We used to use one of these halogen lights, but it would practically burn my head off if put in certain positions.
Newer LED lights powered by battery mean no cords in the way and you will not get burned and you can often get them in a tight spot and have great illumination.
A head lamp also can provide great lighting while you work and with your hands free.
A cellphone photo of a circuit board in our press.

A good cellphone is essential these days when you are making repairs.You can get in and take a photo in places that you can’t ever get at to see.You can even enlarge the photo so you can see things even without your glasses!You can record where wires go so that you can reattach them properly later.You also can take a photo to share with the repair person:1. You can send a photo immediately, no need for a camera and a computer.2. You can discuss the photo which is a whole lot better than trying just to describe it in words.(you know that thingamajig that is next to that green thing…no that other green thing…)3. The repair person can see things that you might not even know to describe, such as that resistor looks burnt…




    1. I always start with googling the company name and the word “manual” to see if the instruction manuals are on line. The company’s FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is often another good source of information. You would be surprised how many companies are helpful also if you have made a legit attempt to find out yourself and then email or call them.

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