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Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Screenprinting shops are notoriously filthy and disorganized.  Most screen-printers seem not to mind (including most managers and owners).  Why is this?  It’s unprofessional, it’s gross, it’s unsafe, it creates an underlying tension that stresses everyone out (whether they know it or not).  I wonder if one were to quantify all the lost productivity caused by filthy and disorganized working conditions in all screen-printing shops around the world, what would that amount to?

Visitors to my shop always note the cleanliness and organization, but I think that’s only relative to the rest of the industry.  I’d say most fast food restaurants are in better shape than my shop or any other shop out there.

Then I came across this picture from years ago in the old shop…

Our production floor circa 2006

I’m scheduling a cleaning day.  So should you.


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