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Canvas Tote Bag Printing – Some Basics and Some Tricks

There are a wide variety of types of canvas bags out there in the world. They are all waiting to be decorated by the screenprinter. There are specifications of all the fabrics in terms of weight, weave, etc. In my many years of buying canvas totes and even working directly with companies that are manufacturing…

Mis-print Monday: Why Is the Ink Not Cured?

We got some photos today from a shirt company and they had a printer reporting that the shirts looked like crap after washing. You can see the photos at the end of this post. The ink is not cured from what I see and this is what I told them can be the causes: Undercuring can…

How Do You Know That Ink is Cured?

How do you know ink is cured on a shirt? Wash it as you normally would launder a shirt and see if the ink comes off. Get a washer and dryer at work or bring shirts home, that is the only way to be sure if the ink is cured. You can use all kinds…