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washing machine

Misprint Monday: Wash It!

Q: Is the ink dry on the shirt you printed? A: It doesn’t matter. Ink can be dry on a shirt and it will not last through a wash. Unless  you are unethical and plan to leave the country after selling a shirt, you want the print to stay on the shirt beyond the first…

Resolutions for the New Year

At this point it is such a cliche to make New Year’s Resolution, and so many people have the experience of making them and not keeping them that it can seem futile. However, setting goals, making timelines for those goals, and periodically reviewing those goals is always a good idea and a New Year is…

Misprint Monday: GRRRR… Tell me what is wrong

One of our most popular series here at the Ink Kitchen is “Misprint Monday.” The philosopher Immanuel Kant once said, “…in the misfortunes of our best friends there is something which is not altogether displeasing to us…” I don’t want you readers to get the wrong impression from our articles on how to do things “correctly” that we…

How to Cure Ink: Exact Instructions

The exact instructions for how to cure ink are “figure it out.” There is no magic formula of dryer setting and belt speed that I can give you, no matter how many of you beg for that information. There are too many variables. Some of this follows earlier posts, but this is a topic that continues…